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Referrals Programme Terms and Conditions

Updated on: 10 March 2024

1. General conditions

1.1. The "Referral Programme" (hereinafter referred to as the "Program" or "Programme") is organized by the company Mailjour Systems OÜ. (hereinafter referred to as "Mailjour" or the "Organizer"), domiciled in the city of Tallinn, Republic of Estonia, and is intended to encourage the registration of new users on the Mailjour Platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform").
1.2. The Program is intended exclusively for users of the Provider type, who want to refer their customers to our Platform and comply with the requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter, the "Referrer").
1.3. The Program allows Referrers to refer any type of user, being able to be a Provider, Customer or Commerce (hereinafter, the "Referred").
1.4. The Program will be valid as long as the Referrer maintains his/her account active and complies with the terms and conditions set forth in this document and in Mailjour's General User Agreement.
1.5. The Program does not confer any benefits in addition to those explicitly stated herein and in the terms and conditions specific to the limited promotions issued from time to time.
1.6. The Program does not establish any employment relationship between the Referrer and Mailjour, nor does it create any obligation on the part of the Referrer to refer users to the Platform.
1.7. Mailjour reserves the right to modify, suspend or cancel the Program at any time, without prior notice, and without any liability to the Referrer.
1.8. The Referrer shall not use any means to induce the Referred to register on the Platform, such as spam, false advertising, or any other means that may harm the reputation of Mailjour.
1.9. Mailjour will check each referred user registration to verify that it is a valid user. Mailjour reserves the right to define the mechanisms by which it performs such verification and the right to reject any registration it deems invalid.

2. Validity of user referrals

The registration of a new user on the platform will be attributed to its Referrer as long as the following conditions are met:

2.1. The Referred has registered on the Platform using the Referrer's referral link.
2.2. The Referred must complete the registration process, including all validation steps, within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of registration in the Platform through the Referrer's referral link.
2.3. The Referred must complete at least one service agreement with the Referrer within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of registration on the Platform through the Referrer's referral link.
2.4. The Referred must not have been referred by another Referrer before registering on the Platform through the Referrer's referral link.
2.5. The Referred must not have been registered on the Platform before registering through the Referrer's referral link.

3. Prohibited practices

The following practices are expressly prohibited and may lead to the Referrer's definitive suspension from the referral program or even the cancellation of his or her Mailjour account:

3.1. The Referrer shall not use the referral link for any purpose other than to refer users to the Platform.
3.2. The Referrer shall not send unsolicited emails or messages to users, promoting the Platform or the Referral Programme.
3.3. The Referrer shall not sell, transfer, or assign his/her referral link to any third party.
3.4. The Referrer shall not use the referral link to refer users who are already registered on the Platform.
3.5. The Referrer shall not use the referral link in any way that may harm the reputation of Mailjour or its users.
3.6. The Referrer shall not use the referral link as part of any advertising campaign without the prior written consent of Mailjour.
3.7. The Referrer shall not use the referral link to refer users who have already been referred by another Referrer.

4. Fixed compensation

4.1. The Referrer will receive a 50% discount on the commissions charged by Mailjour for each service completed and agreed between the Referrer and the Referred.
4.2. The discount is not cumulative and will be applied only once for each service completed and agreed upon between the Referrer and the Referred.
4.3. The discount will not be applied to those services completed and agreed upon between the Referrer and users who have not been referred by the Referrer.
4.4. The discount will be applied automatically by the Platform, without the need for any action by the Referrer.

5. Promotional rewards

5.1. In addition to the discount on commissions, the Referrer may receive additional rewards depending on time-limited promotions.
5.2. The promotional rewards will be communicated by Mailjour through its social networks and email communications.
5.3. The promotional rewards will be valid only for the duration of the promotion and will be subject to the terms and conditions established by Mailjour.
5.4. Each promotional reward will have specific terms and conditions, which will be communicated by Mailjour through its social networks and email communications.
5.5. Any payment of promotional rewards will be made by Mailjour within 60 (sixty) calendar days after the registration of the Referred on the Platform.
5.6. The promotional rewards will be paid by Gift Card or transfer through the payment gateway (Stripe or PayPal) chosen by the Referrer at the time of registration on the Platform. The payment method will be defined in each promotion.
5.7. In no case will payments be made in cash or through any other payment method not specified in the promotion.

6. Disclaimer

6.1. Mailjour shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever suffered by Providers, their personal data and/or property, arising out of or in connection with their participation in the Referral Programme.
6.2. Mailjour shall not be liable for the use of the rewards by the Referrers.
6.3. Mailjour shall not be liable for the use of the accounts given by the referred users.
6.4. Mailjour will not be held responsible for Referrers' use of their referral links.
6.5. Mailjour does not maintain any employment or business relationship with the Referrers.

7. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

7.1. Participation in the Programme implies knowledge and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions of the Platform.

8. Applicable law and jurisdiction

8.1. These Terms and Conditions and the Programme shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
8.2. If the dispute arising out of these Terms and Conditions cannot be settled by negotiation, the dispute shall be settled in the Harju County Court.